But in case you keep running into him either out your own volition or out of his will ’cos he wants to niggle you, then what happens to your life? Ruinous hell where everyday you fight a bit, win a bit, lose a bit, increase blood pressure, remain under constant stress…in short you hardly have much of a life. In this case humans walk into the realm of the second form of battles. The wars of attrition that drag on for long with no rhyme or reason and which have no clear conclusions... This is harmful in the long run, but most human antagonism gets manifest only in this nature. Look at Palestine-Israel; or the two Koreas…or at your squabbling parents... Perhaps both sides want to increment the misery in their lives as well with the other person's lives. Well, who am I to judge that? To each his own…
As for me, I prefer the first split-second decisive act. One slap, one punch, one whack and it’s all over. I guess I’ve had the advantage of that until now because of my age. Growing up, not too many people remain important, a feeling that increases as and when one shifts schools, colleges or universities. Most of your friends will shift out to jobs and other diverse fields. So how does it matter if you fight with them?
Another thing entirely; if you’re in a job and the i@!$#s around you are either your colleagues or your trainers. If you dislike anyone, just ignore and wash them from your head… A better thing to do in the long run because you’ll need some help from them later in life. And by any chance if you’ve opened your mouth and said something which led to a heated exchange, you’re done for. Be prepared for the protracted time consuming sequence to follow. Sharpen your knives. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
like that... keep ur enemies closer. well said!
well..greenink, Sun Tzu said that before me!!! why can't i access your blog??
hi, a very interesting write up. like u, i am for the split,decisive act but then one has to take care of long-term interests and needs and supress the itch.
You know that lovely quote, "I like people with backbone, especially the crunchy noise they make when you crush them"?
Sometimes fights are an utter joy.
very insightful but lets not forget about evolution and instincts or knee-jerk reactions. These thoughts come after the automatic outpour when all cools down...but instincts are instincts...perhaps humans will evolve...perhaps not...
It's funny Rakhi Sawant after Mika episode on TV was screaming: aplojise!
the following blog post is also about doing something wrong and conveniently apologizing later:-
pretty well written. this blog post i mean, not yours
gee thanks.. go write a comment on that blog.. asswipe!!
keep your friends close but keep ur enemies closer.....pretty deep.
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